Cat Safe Foods
Sharing food with your cat? Make sure it's safe first
Sharing food with your cat? Make sure it's safe first
You can also search for foods that are 👍 safe or 👎 unsafe
Read the tips below before sharing any food with cats
Bread is not toxic to cats, and plain white or wheat bread is unlikely to harm your cat if they eat a bite, but bread is not very healthy for cats and is best to be avoided. Cats should especially avoid processed and rich bread products such as croissants. Additionally, bread dough can be very dangerous to cats, as the yeast can cause it to keep expanding inside the cat's stomach, which can cause bloating and lead to dangerous complications. The yeast also produces ethanol, which can cause alcohol poisoning. Cats shouldn't eat bread.
Caution: Processed foods are unhealthy for cats and can even conceal toxic ingredients. Read more.
Caution: Cats lack the enzymes required for digesting carbohydrates, therefore, their diet should not exceed 2% of carbohydrates or sugars. Read more.
Caution: Foods that are high in fat should only be fed in moderation, as the link between too much fat and pancreas problems in cats is still being studied. Read more.