Cat Safe Foods
Sharing food with your cat? Make sure it's safe first
Sharing food with your cat? Make sure it's safe first
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Read the tips below before sharing any food with cats
Plain, unseasoned, skinless, boneless, cooked chicken is not toxic to cats, as long as it's cooked. Feeding cats raw chicken puts them at risk of salmonella or bacterial infections. Chicken skin and bones should be avoided, however. Chicken skin is full of fat, which can lead to digestive issues, and chicken bones are very brittle and if ingested, can lead to choking, fractured teeth, or gastrointestinal obstruction or perforation, especially if they splinter. Cats should never eat chicken that was cooked with butter or oils or seasoned with salt, pepper, herbs, or spices. Cats can eat bite-size pieces of plain, unseasoned, skinless, boneless, cooked chicken, but should avoid chicken bones.